Council Meeting Chaos

Manville Borough Council Meeting Chaos

By Chris Basista
March 15, 2024

The last couple of Borough Council meetings have had their share of chaos, drama, and the feeling of being unproductive. This is NOT how to run our town. A few examples --

  1. As of the meeting on Monday 3/11, there were no meeting minutes for 2024 posted on the website. When questioned during the meeting, the mayor said they are "the minutes are being worked on -- they will be at the next meeting for adoption".
  2. During that same meeting, only the agenda was available online. They have stopped including the resolutions and ordinances online for residents to review before they attend the meeting. When asked about it during the meeting, the mayor seemed confused and asked the Borough attorney if it was "okay" to include them. The resident reminded the mayor that this had been the case in the past.
  3. To make matters worse, there are never enough copies of agendas, resolutions, and ordinances available for residents at the meetings. The meeting on 3/11 was well attended.
  4. Residents need to ask the mayor why he feels it is okay to be disrespectful to residents who ask questions and make comments, especially when they are critical. During the meeting on Monday 2/26, four residents got up to ask questions and make comments, yet he only seemed to act disrespectfully towards the two women. We have a separate article covering a Letter to the Editor we sent to the local newspapers which has yet to be printed about this particular incident. Tap/click here to read it.

Don't let these actions prevent you from attending a Borough Council meeting and asking questions about items that concern you. The mayor and council work for us, the residents of Manville, and we all deserve to be treated with respect and to have our questions answered and taken seriously.

Mayor & Council Meeting Minutes Screenshot

No meeting minutes have been posted to the Borough Website, yet, they have been approved in subsequent meetings. This screenshot is dated 3/15/24. How are residents supposed to keep up with what is happening?