Manville School Referendum and Special Election

Manville School Referendum and Special Election

By Roberta Walters
March 8, 2025

During the February 24th Borough Council meeting, Dr. Jamil Maroun, Superintendent of the Manville School District, presented a proposed referendum that will be on the ballot during a special election held on March 11th.

Unfortunately, the video did not work, so the presentation couldn't be shared visually during the meeting. Residents can find a copy of the presentation and additional details on the website.

Dr. Maroun explained the need for the referendum and special election was to allow the school district to take advantage of Debt Service Aid. Debt Service Aid allows school districts to receive financial assistance from the State of New Jersey.

As a result, the State will cover $0.49 cents for every $1.00 the Manville School district pays. This referendum will have a zero-tax impact to residents, as the school district will cover the cost from their capital reserves and existing funds, and then receive matching funds from the State.

The referendum will focus on key items including improved building security, door replacements district-wide, gymnasium renovations, and Band Room renovations at MHS and ABIS.

The total cost of the proposed projects is $7,743,311, which an expected $3,821,323, or 49%, covered as part of the Debt Service Aid.

All registered voters are encouraged to vote in the special election. If you vote by mail, you will have already received a ballot. Everyone else can vote in person on Tuesday, March 11th at the VFW. Polls are open till 8pm.