Rustic Mall - A Municipal Complex?!

Rustic Mall Vacant Lot in Manville NJ

By Chris Basista
March 14, 2024

In 2014 the Democrats had a plan for Rustic Mall. In 2015, the Republicans took control of the mayor and council and they declared they had a better plan. Nine years of a big empty lot, with no tax revenue coming in, is not a plan residents wanted to see.

Rustic Mall Plan from Democrats in 2014

The plan the Democrats had in 2014. Mixed-use buildings, with apartments, plus retail shopping on bottom floors in several buildings. This would generate much-needed tax revenue for Manville, as buy-outs continue to rise.

Now the mayor wants to take control of the lot and build a huge municipal complex. You heard that correctly. The mayor wants to take the only buildable, non-flood property in town and use it to build a municipal complex which will bring in NO TAX REVENUE. And he thinks he is going to do it with $20MM in grants which require the project to be SHOVEL READY. Last time we asked, the mayor agreed Manville does not have the property so how are you applying for grants to build something that will NOT BENEFIT MANVILLE!!!

Plan Showing a Municipal Complex at the Rustic Mall

The plan presented at the Borough Council Meeting on February 26th. The majority of the land would be used for a Municipal Complex, with only two buildings in the back for residential use. Tax revenues from this prime real estate would be a fraction of what they could be!

We understand the current municipal and other buildings are in flood zones. Which is what we thought the plan was for the property near the library. Using the Rustic Mall property for anything that will not bring in maximum tax revenue is unacceptable. Assessments are high, taxes are on the rise, and buy-outs are still very possible. For every home lost to a buy-out, we who remain must take on the burden of the lost tax revenue.

We need a new plan for the Rustic Mall. We need to be working with the owners of the property or risk more lawsuits. It is time the mayor and council started working for the residents.

Take some time to read about the grants the mayor is looking to secure in the hopes of developing his plan for the Rustic Mall. Notice some of the requirements and ask questions.