Special Council Meeting Hype?

Special Council Meeting Hype?

By Manville.Today
September 16, 2024

Friday afternoon's Special Meeting was uneventful. The meeting lasted roughly 10 minutes. Prior to the meeting, rumors were spreading throughout town about the purpose of the meeting.

The day before, there were a lot of rumors travelling throughout Manville. The focus was on the hiring of personnel.

Many were speculating through unconfirmed sources that there would be friends and family being hired. Specifically, prospective employees that were related to a Borough employee and a Councilperson. However, this did not occur at Friday's meeting.

If the rumor had proven to be true, there would be a major concern regarding nepotism. Manville's nepotism ordinance is fairly simple. For example, Manville's ordinance states that a family member or relative could be hired if they do not work in a direct supervisory relationship, or in job positions in which a conflict of interest could arise. The latter part could be interpreted in many ways.

Other towns, such as Hamilton Township, goes further in their nepotism ordinance. They specifically state that no employees can be hired that are related to sitting Council members, as well as the Administrator. Hamilton's ordinance on nepotism appears much stronger, and detailed, when compared to Manville.

Usually, special meetings are held for urgent matters that cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Mayor & Council. The Mayor made a few remarks that implied the main purpose of the meeting was for employees to receive a raise.

There was no mention of the widespread public concern about the hiring of personnel, which had already spread like wildfire to local Manville social media groups.

Regardless of the outcome this time, it's important to stay on top of all Council meetings, especially special meetings, that are scheduled at the last minute.