Tax Payments Not Posted, Interest Accrues - What's Happening?

Tax Payments Not Posted, Interest Accrues - What's Happening?

By Chris Basista
September 3, 2024

UPDATE 9/5 3pm ET: It appears that property tax payments are now showing posted, with interest removed, if you paid on-time. Yesterday, a Manville.Today writer who is also a resident, attempted to call Borough Hall to inquire. It took 4 calls spread over 2 hours to reach a human, otherwise voicemail answered. The person who answered the phone did not have an explanation regarding this issue, only that if you paid on-time, the payment would eventually show and the interest would come off.

On Tuesday afternoon, we started hearing reports from Manville residents that the online portal for property taxes was showing that their payments had never posted.

It appears that there is a considerable number of residents affected by this, especially if taxes were paid close to the due date of August 30th.

In some random searches of tax information, we've found that people who paid in cash show no payment pending or posted on their property. We're seeing those who paid online have a "Payment Pending" message on the screen.

The biggest issue -- interest is accruing on these property tax bills, per the information on the property tax portal.

Is this a software glitch? Is it that someone forgot to batch out the system, if that is needed? Or, is it something else entirely?

We hope that the Borough is aware of this issue, and resolves it promptly, including reversing any accrued interest charges.

Manville.Today is working on gathering more information, and we will update this article once we learn more. If you have any news tips, send them to us here.